
just get done with my computer set up... I was texting Pyar kanina but he's not replying. Kinda frustrated.. ewan.. well, mark did text me.. hay! maybe when he read this post again, he'll say na PINAGSISIKSIKAN MO NA NAMAN SARILI MO SA KANYA.. what the hell! i aint pushing myself to Joey! I hate it! Is there a law saying that you cannot tell or express your feelings to your special one??

Come on! Just tell me.. youre just jealous!

you know what, I was about to "love" you again.. but then.... you were pushing me too to Joey! Then Joey pushing me to you! THE FUCK! Why are you people like that! Do you have any problems with me? If you dont love me, just tell it to my face then I'll stop bugging you guys!

My birthday is getting nearer... Gawd! Days gone so fast!

I am too old for this kind of stuff! I want to be more mature! You know MORE .. MORE MATURE!!!!!!

Well, all I can say is...... Yah, I am still in love with Pyar..yah! right!!!! I am ......But not hoping he'll love me back. Yeah, I know..... I'tll never happen.. It'll never be... (BITTER)

Shit! One minute left..

Love yah pyar!



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