

All of us may say "ayoko pa pumasok.. nakaktamad".... which is true. But for some reasons, why cant we afford of not going to work??... Thats because we have our reasons why we have the job, and why we need money to save for our family.

Honestly there's some point that I dont want to go to work... But what happens if I stay with my kid at home but no food, what's the deal, right?

So better go to work, 8 hours of talking to customers,not bad at all.

And also, I am encouraged to work because of friends, and metrics that needs to be improved.

AHT, POSE and QA..

I just saw my lates EBILL AHT, passing is 500. and Im at 484 I think ... good enough.. but my BGI AHT, woah, is bloody high! passing is 350 and Im at 878 .. from 1663 . hahaha!!! well, theres a big improvement atleast. hahaha!

These are challenges I have now.

Reasons why I love going to work ,.....

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